
Investment Phase

Oui Lait & Dêguê

Oui Lait & Dêguê is an Ivorian company that operates in the agri-food sector, more specifically in the production of yogurt and dêguê.

Ivoire Garba

Ivoire Garba, communément appelé I-Garba est une entreprise qui opère dans la commercialisation et la promotion d’un met ivoirien appelé le garba fait à base de semoule de manioc et servi avec du poisson thon frit.

Espace Véritable Santé (EVS)

The Espace Véritable Santé (EVS) medical center is a private health facility offering day care such as generalist consultations but also specialized consultations (ultrasound, radiology, maternity excluding caesarean sections and medical analyses).


Siallou Production Agricole & Animale (SPAA) is a company specialized in the transformation of coffee beans (green coffee) into ground coffee.

Lika Cosmétique

Lika Cosmétique is a company specialized in the creation and sale of perfumes and scented care products.  It offers its customers a wide range of quality products including perfumes, incenses, scrubs, soaps and night creams. 


Gain is a company specialized in the development of administrative management software, the sale of access control systems in schools, and the automated control of staff presence and movements on site for companies.

Gona Maroquinerie

Gona Maroquinerie is a company specialized in the production of office items, handbags or travel bags, pocket items, watch straps, wallets, and other accessories made of leather and imitation leather.

La Fontaine bleue

 La Fontaine bleue is a company specialized in the production and distribution of purified water in large formats.


Medivas is a company specialized in medical evacuations (air and road), on-site medical assistance, emergency medical coverage during events and medical training.


Naïmadolls is a company producing toys (dolls). Today, Naïmadolls products are present in most of local stores (Prosuma, Super U, Casino, Carrefour, Librairie de France, La Grande Récré and Chico).


Eco Clair is a company specialized in industrial laundry services for hotel complexes, businesses and industries, and individual clients.


Syn'el is a company specialized in the artisanal production of sorbets on sticks under the brand Paleta, made from natural juices.

Citrine Corporation

Citrine Corporation is a company specialized in the processing of cassava into fresh attiéké and placali.


E'Sens is a company specialized in the production of essential oils of citrus fruits (bitter orange, bergamot). 

Ivoire Bio Fruits

Created in 2013, Ivoire Bio Fruits is a company offering fresh and dried fruits certified organic in Europe (EOS) and United States (NOP).

Home Medical Services

Home Medical Service (HMS) is a private medical centre offering day care such as consultations, medical analysis and observation.


Onloutou is a company providing household appliances on a rental basis with a technological component that allows to geolocate the equipment and deactivate it remotely.

Tropic 105

Tropic 105 is a clothing company under the brand name Ciss St Moïse.

La Coccinelle

La Coccinelle is a private kindergarten and early childhood care centre offering a childcare service for young children in daycare and kindergarten and a bilingual recreation centre service during school holidays.


IMGH is a private technical and professional training structure specialized in the hotel industry.

Rama Céréal

RAMA CEREAL is an agro-industrial company. Its main activity is the processing of cereals such as millet, maize and rice.