Secteur d'activité :Agri-business
Entrepreneur :Aramatou COULIBALY
Creation date :2005
In portfolio since :2018

RAMA CEREAL is an agro-industrial company created in 2005. Its main activity is the processing of cereals such as millet, maize and rice.

The company is present on the local (Prosuma, Carrefour, Citydia, etc.) and international markets through various products and spices: millet granules, corn, rice, pre-cooked millet, attiéké (manioc semolina), ginger, gnangan, soumara, baobab. Rama Céréal started its activities in the informal sector before becoming a sole proprietorship in 2005 and then a limited liability company in 2016.


A company lead by Aramatou Coulibaly

Aramatou Coulibaly holds a BTS in International Trade and a Bachelor’s degree in English. She has worked as a consultant and sales assistant in companies such as Mobil Oil and Kompass-ci, and then as an interim employee at Orange. Noting the need for millet products, she decided to set up her own agro-industrial company in 2005. In 2012, she obtained support within the framework of the Trade and Regional Integration Support Programme (PACIR) financed by the European Union.