Funding and supporting the energy transition

Our tool : I&P Digital Energy

In Côte d’Ivoire, Comoé Capital is one of the implementing partners of I&P Digital Energy dedicated to financing and supporting start-ups and small businesses offering digital solutions for access to energy.

The energy sector is undergoing profound transformations that are reshaping the network’s structure, with the transition from a centralized to a decentralized power grid, from an unidirectional to a multidirectional flow of energy, and transitioning away from carbon-based sources to decarbonized alternatives. This evolution is also changing the focus from production-centered to a more consumer-centric network. In this context, digitalization plays a pivotal role in optimizing and enhancing the flexibility of this newly decentralized energy system.

This initiative helps to accelerate growth and support innovation for start-ups and SMEs in the energy sector. Ultimately, it should generate a financing leverage effect for start-up companies and offer new access to energy to 150,000 people, thus contributing to the emergence of new energy consumption habits.

I&P Digital Energy is the seed financing component of the Digital Energy Facility, funded by the European Union and implemented by the French Development Agency.


For West Africa, I&P is in charge of prospecting and monitoring target companies, in particular Comoé Capital for Côte d’Ivoire.

Program components

Seed Funding

Meet the financing needs of companies during their incubation or acceleration phase, for amounts of between CFAF 60 million and CFAF 300 million.

Technical Assistance

Strengthen the capacities of financed companies through training and expertise assignments (business plan preparation, administrative and financial management, coaching, etc.)

Target companies

Eligible companies must meet the following criteria:

  • Start-ups or SMEs whose need for support and financing is between 60 million and 300 million FCFA
  • Providing innovative energy access solutions (SHS, nano-grids, mini-grids, renewable energy for productive use, smart grid, etc.)
  • Managed by men and women permanently settled in Sub-Saharan Africa, dedicated full time to their business
  • Operating in the formal economy (legal structure recognized and registered in one of the countries of intervention) or in the process of formalization
  • Committed to maximizing their positive impacts (on access to energy, the environment, and the social aspect), through their activities and/or the improvement of their practices