In Côte d’Ivoire, Comoé Capital is one of the implementing partners of I&P Digital Energy dedicated to financing and supporting start-ups and small businesses offering digital solutions for access to energy.
The energy sector is undergoing profound transformations that are reshaping the network’s structure, with the transition from a centralized to a decentralized power grid, from an unidirectional to a multidirectional flow of energy, and transitioning away from carbon-based sources to decarbonized alternatives. This evolution is also changing the focus from production-centered to a more consumer-centric network. In this context, digitalization plays a pivotal role in optimizing and enhancing the flexibility of this newly decentralized energy system.
This initiative helps to accelerate growth and support innovation for start-ups and SMEs in the energy sector. Ultimately, it should generate a financing leverage effect for start-up companies and offer new access to energy to 150,000 people, thus contributing to the emergence of new energy consumption habits.
I&P Digital Energy is the seed financing component of the Digital Energy Facility, funded by the European Union and implemented by the French Development Agency.
For West Africa, I&P is in charge of prospecting and monitoring target companies, in particular Comoé Capital for Côte d’Ivoire.
Eligible companies must meet the following criteria: